A Teenage Girl’s Fiery French Hideaway
Once upon a time, the Design Fairy Godmother had a dream of a beautiful little French Princess with big crystal blue eyes that glittered with fiery moon sparks, as she danced and danced within a glowing ring of fire, on top of the glorious world, which transformed into a beating heart, and then magically became a ballroom studio with high arched windows, deep red velvet curtains, cherry floors that looked like glass, an ebony baby grand piano and a big puce-colored silk couch with tufting and…
Now, Dear Ones, we are all aware that the Design Fairy Godmother’s creative imagination and her attention to detail can be ( oh, yes!) over the top. But lo and behold, truth be told, this very child existed, and grew into the most beautiful, passionate and graceful teenage dancer the world had ever known. They called her The Princess of Fire! And yes! She was French!
The Princess of Fire cha cha-ed, rumbaed , and sambaed every chance she had, including practicing while brushing her teeth! She waltzed, and tangoed in the shower of her royal chamber! Her acrobatic jive dance ignited the King’s court in an uproar, upstaging the overpaid and under talented court Jester, Harry Kerry. As the Princess’s skirt whooshed, her hair flying and eyes darting with fiery passion, the Queen’s knickers were in a knot – in fact, many knots. Blazing through her dance repertoire, the Princess of Fire’s burning steps left scorch marks on the Queens new hardwood floors. Oh my stars!
This Royal Family called in the Design Fairy Godmother, in a desperate attempt to contain their daughter’s glowing expression and try to save what was left of the castle flooring.
After lengthy discussion with the Princess, the Design Fairy Godmother came up with a plan to create a bedroom space to nurture (while still containing) this teenager’s fiery creativity. It would be a place where the Princess could dance, entertain, create art, do her homework, play music, read from her vast lamb-gut book collection or just rest her weary little head after a long regal day.
First the wall color was chosen, like the inside of a flame, a beautiful indigo blue. In fact, two shades were used to create depth in her space, with ivory white trim to “pop” the color, both by Sir Benjamin Moore. Next, her handy mom, the Queen, made her beautiful curtains and valance, with a salmon-colored damask material, and ivory sheer, found by the Design Fairy Godmother at Designer Fabric Outlet. A French toile bedspread was purchased for her royal bed with custom pillows found in various couture and artistic places.

The Princess herself strung beautiful sparkling beads and hung them in her window to catch the moon sparks. Art from local artists was purchased and hung to inspire the teenage dancer. Gilded mirrors were added, with a large one specifically to aid the Princess in her movement practices. A favorite bookshelf was painted in ivory white, while her much loved salmon leather chair was adorned with a handmade fur blanket and pillow, fashioned by the Queen Mother herself. An antique stool was recovered and skirted with a French floral print. A special place was designated for her guitars (yes she is very musical too!) and fun antique decorative details accented her room highlighting her passionate personality. The Design Fairy Godmother fireproofed this woman-child’s room with a magical chant—which was eco-friendly of course! Voilà!

The Princess of Fire embraced her new chambre, her lovely big blue eyes alive with excitement as she engaged the flame of her very being in her new abode – and, also, she found it very cool.

Her Royal Parents rejoiced! In time they refinished their floors, leaving one scorch mark shaped like a heart, a sentimental symbol of their talented, passionate daughter!
The Princess of Fire learned to contain her explosive moves and direct them energetically in artistic loving form. Her power and focus found its way into every aspect of her life, as she danced and twirled happily and easily through each “chapter”, trailing sparks wherever she roamed!
AFTER Photos by Claire Louise Foster INTERIOR DESIGN by Andrea Carini for Your Sacred Space Interiors
When designing a teenager’s room, consult and get to know your woman-child or man-child, Prince or Princess. The space should reflect their individual personalities, passions and interests, not those of their parents, interior designers or granny-nannys. Ask questions. Find out what they like and who they are. Listen!
The biggest thing to remember: no decision on anything is made without your teenager!
These Royal Teens have a lot going on! Their hormones are raging, body changing, emotions flowing and this is actually a very exciting time in their human development! Their interests and thinking can take you to places you have long forgotten. This is a very creative period and they want to be in charge. They will come up with ideas from places you couldn’t imagine – so encourage their ideas and co-create with them. They must own their space!
A Gifted Interior Design Professional (or fabulous Design Fairy Godmother) will listen intently, and skillfully blend/harmonize your woman-child’s (or man-child’s) wishes, dreams, interest and personality into their cool space and express it with them.
Teens need to stay organized – and it’s tough. So to make things easier, give them places to put things (other than the floor) a wall unit with drawers, shelves, desk are some options of brilliant storage ideas!
Not only should a teenage bedroom be functional, (plenty of places to help organize them) but it must also be a place to escape and hang out with friends.
Don’t follow trends. Believe me, they have their own ideas. If you must as a result of their current interest, then represent these trends in decorative items, pictures, art, accessories, and later when they are sick of it, sell it on Kijiji.
Great lighting is important for your teen’s space. Make sure to have soft light, and a lamp for reading. If possible, install dimmers to control the brightness in the room (a great tip for all bedrooms). Have an interesting light fixture as a focal point. Remember lighting definitely affects our moods.
Now Royal Parents, do keep this in mind. Everything is temporary. A black wall can be repainted, crazy posters can be replaced, everything can be changed and will change as your teen evolves and has new interests. The most important thing is your woman-child or man-child will feel welcomed and inspired by an environment they have put their own imprint on. And that is pure Teen Magic!